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Language Challenged

So, I’ve been told that I talk really fast. I’m not sure where it came from or why I do, but I can sometimes be hard to understand. Add a couple drinks and the mumbling starts, so a fast-talking, mumbling, Canadian girl was walking down this jungle path on New Years talking to some friends when another foreigner had to stop me because he was so confused. This is how our conversation went:

Him: “What language are you speaking”

Me: “huh? English”

Him: “Oh, I thought it was a different dialect”

Me: “Nope, I was just talking really fast, sorry dude.”

Followed, of course, by hysterical laughter by everyone in both groups.

About dontcallmenikki

I'm your typical Torontonian city girl who is continuously fulfilling her wanderlust. I've walked hand in trunk with an elephant, been on safari, swam with sharks in South Africa, pet a tiger, bartered in markets, eaten street food daily in Thailand, seen Angkhor Wat at sunset and sunrise, slept in a Loas village, trekked through mountains and tubed down the Vang Vieng river. After completing a years teaching contract in Thailand I headed to Burma to sail down the Irrawaddy, photograph leg rowers, sit in silence at many glistening stupas and make friends with monks. Now it's time for what my friends call the "real world" and acclimatizing back into Western culture.

One response »

  1. My darling you’re probably speaking Newfie. To the rest of the world, that is a different dialect.


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